


Generally valid: tea should always be prepared in a specifically determined pot. Especially suitable are pots made of glass or ceramics. Take a teaspoon full of tea per cup and a further one 'for the teapot', or adjust according to your taste.


Always pre-heat the porcelain, ceramic or glass with boiling water. Only use fresh water which has not been boiled previously. Dash the tea with boiling water and let sit for 3 to 5 minutes: Up to three minutes for an invigorating and up to 5 minutes for a calming effect. Stir the infusion once and sieve the tea.


Green Tea should also always be prepared in a pot.
Take a teaspoon full of tea per cup. Always pre-heat the porcelain, ceramic or glass with boiling water. Only use fresh water which has not been boiled previously. Boil the water, then let it cool down to approximately 60-80°C (10 minutes). Infuse the tea and let sit for 2 minutes.
Many green tea drinkers also start by infusing half a cup of green tea with hot water for one minute before sieving it. Then the same tea is brewed again. This way, many of the bitter substances are eliminated.


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